While you may be taking a break from formal academics in the summer months, you will still want to make some strategic plans for the next few weeks. The systems you put in place in this season will help be more productive, effective, and organized when you start a brand new homeschooling year in the fall. Here’s how to use your summer months wisely – while still taking a much-needed break from the normal routine!
You’ll find a few summer-related podcasts below, plus links and resources mentioned in each episode.

Welcome to the show notes for the Homeschool with Moxie Podcast!
As a former classroom teacher, now homeschooling mom of five, I love to equip and encourage other homeschooling families.
On the Homeschool with Moxie Podcast our goal is to inspire and encourage you with actionable strategies to take you from overwhelmed to confident in your homeschool adventure. Listen to interviews with amazing influencers in the homeschool world and beyond.
Get Homeschool Support
Here’s your invitation to join us in the Homeschool Mom Collective for a rinse-and-repeat plan to keep you on track throughout the homeschool year.

But if you’re overwhelmed in planning for next year, choosing curriculum, decluttering and organizing for the fall – then we have solutions. Your monthly checklist (“success path”) will give you simple, step-by-step plans to be more productive, effective, and organized in your role as a homeschool mom.

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HWM 115: Summer Strategies for Homeschool Moms
Use The Summer to Set Up Your Household Systems
Instead of jumping right into summer break, take a few days or a week to declutter, plan, and organize for the new year. Then, put it all away and enjoy your summer. But taking advantage of that seasonal energy will help you get ready for the new school year and then be able to forget about it until the fall!
The summer is a fabulous time to set up systems in your home. Consider streamlining these areas and more this summer:
- meal planning
- Prepping 101 with Karen Morris
- chore systems
- I don’t do laundry (and you shouldn’t either!)
- delegate to your team
- systems for homeschool paper clutter
- Decluttering Made Simple Workshop
- declutter cheatsheet for teens
- eBay Reseller Mini Course for Teens
- work on life skills
Being strategic in different seasons will keep you from feeling overwhelmed. Take advantage of the natural “new year” or “new season” energy that comes at the start of summer.
And realize that different tendencies (personalities) require differing levels of accountability! Some of us just need more outside structure than others. If this is you, consider how the Homeschool Mom Collective will give you just the right amount of structure and accountability to stay on top of your homeschool organization this year.
HWM 164: Light Summer Homeschool Ideas
In episode 164, we’re answering this question from one of our lovely mamas in the Homeschool Mom Collective.

Ideas for a light homeschooling rhythm in the summer:
- Keep reading! Audiobooks are great.
- Use repetition punch cards to motivate your kids this summer.
- Take time for messy projects in the summer. Take the mess outside! Even non-artsy moms can do homeschool art. Listen in on our episode with Beth Herrild from Outside the Box Creations. (Use the coupon code MoxieArt for $6.00 off)
- Pick one topic for “summer camp at home”
- Music lessons or music appreciation. You’ll get some great ideas here from Mary Prather of SQUILT for homeschool music ideas. Or use our simple ideas for K-2 Homeschool Music Lessons.
- Download our Outdoor Hours Time Trackers
- Math review – the Facts that Stick Series is amazing! It is game-based, so your kids won’t even realize they’re working on math facts. Listen in on episode 63 as we talk with the author of that series, Kate Snow, to get help with teaching homeschool math.
- You can download our Skip counting printables and songs to help with math review.
- Listen to episode 115 above to help you with home systems.
- Grab the Summer Business Brainstorm down below for your teens.
- And for homeschool moms – grab some books off this Homeschool Mom Book List and get in some professional development.
- Check out our podcast archives and listen to experts to learn some new strategies you can use in your homeschool next year.
- Don’t forget about life skills! Money management, sewing, cooking, building…
I joined forces with my homeschool blogging friends to bring you our favorite freebies & ideas for educational summer fun! Click the graphic below to find these resources.

HWM 23: 10 Best Summer Tips for Homeschoolers
Educational Summer Ideas for Kids & Teens
DIY Summer Money Camp from MoneyProdigy.com
Learn about the different personalities using Gretchen Rubin’s The Four Tendencies Framework – it will help you understand yourself and your kids better.