People say some of the strangest things to homeschool moms. Here’s a collection of real questions and comments directed to unsuspecting homeschool moms. How would you answer these?

Looking for answers? Check out Homeschooling 101.
- What about socialization?
- My kids could do this & this & this by this age. What can yours do?
- When are you going to send them to real school?
- You’ll send them to high school, though, right?
- You’re not homeschooling their whole life, right? They need that school experience!
- So does that mean you’ll have your prom in your own garage?
- Your kids aren’t gonna know how to act in public.
- They will outsmart you by third grade.
- How will they learn to stand in line?
- They need to get used to getting up early.
- You homeschool? But you seem so normal.
- I don’t like my kids enough for that.
- So what will you do when they get to high school? You can’t homeschool forever.
- I don’t know how you do that. I can’t stand one day out of daycare!
- I don’t know how you do it. I don’t have the patience!
- Wow, I could never do that.
- How will they learn about life?
- I could never spend all day with MY kids.
- I’m sure teachers can do a better job than me.
- Is she socialized?
- How can you teach her without a degree?
- How will your kids learn to handle bullying?
- Do you feel like they are actually learning enough?
- Why are you so busy?
- What made you decide to do that?
- How can they socialize and have friends?
- How will he ever learn to stand in line and wash his hands?
- Can they go to college?
- But they need time away from you so they can miss you.
- Don’t do that to your kids! Don’t take their childhood from them!
- Kids need to learn manners in school. How are you going to teach them that at home?
- They will need to go to public school eventually to learn how to deal with the real world.
- How do you know what grade he is in if he doesn’t take the state standardized tests?
- How will they learn to handle conflict?
- Oh, you homeschool? So, do you have goats?
- Who will you have to invite to birthday parties?
- What kind of extracurriculars are they involved in?
- They have special needs? Oh, you should send them to school so they can get the help they need.
- Aren’t you afraid they’re going to turn out weird?
- What are they learning when y’all play school?
- Are they ALL yours?
- Do you actually do schoolwork?
- You have to send them to public school to learn to read and do basic math. You CAN’T teach that at home.
- Can you watch my kids when they’re too sick to go to school?
- How is she going to learn how to interact with and get along with her peers?
- What kind of accountability do you have?
- Do they take tests?
- Isn’t that hard?
- I’m not educated enough to teach my child.
- When do you ever get “me” time?
- Who tells you what to teach them?
- How will you know if they’re behind?
- Do you just live to make other moms feel bad?
Instead of answering these questions individually, I tackle most of them in the series of videos titled Homeschooling 101, which you can access for FREE by clicking the graphic below.

“Live to make other moms feel bad.” All my time is taken up feeling bad about myself, I don’t have time to make other mothers feel bad. 😂
I know, right?! How silly!
These are real questions!?! I’m so glad I haven’t had to deal with absolutely horrible people like that! They seem like they never learned any manners. If someone asks me any horrible questions like that, l would not hesitate for one second to tell them exactly what I think of them! It’s not funny or ignorant, it’s a blatant attack!
Yes, sadly they are real!
One question I’ve had: Can you homeschool my kid, too? I’ll bring him to your house everyday and pick him up when I get off work.
Oh! That’s so funny! “Sure, what’s one more?”
“But how will they learn to raise their hands?” I didn’t realize that was a necessary life skill!
Wow! Too funny 😉
Umm…my kids learned to raise their hands in other settings, prior to being school age.
True. Mine too. But how often do we need that “life skill” in “real life” as adults?