Our guest today, Mrs. Sam Sorbo, talks about all things homeschool – and how and why it works so much better for kids than the traditional system. Learn how you can have more fun with your kids while simplifying the homeschool process.

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Simplifying Homeschool with Mrs. Sam Sorbo
Sam Sorbo is an education freedom advocate. A successful Hollywood film actor, producer, and writer, Sam took a step back from her career to homeschool the Sorbos’ three small children, and realized that there is more to education than the schools accomplish or even address, these days. She’s graduated those kids and is now a conservative pundit, radio show host, writer, and passionate child home education advocate. She’s just released a new book – PARENTS’ GUIDE TO HOMESCHOOL: MAKING EDUCATION EASY AND FUN – an all-you-need-to-know-to-get-you-started workbook for parents who want to homeschool their children.
Listen to our conversation on episode 291 of the Homeschool with Moxie Podcast!
Defining Education
Here are the questions we tackle on the first part of the episode.
- What inspired you to homeschool your own children?
- How do you personally define education, and how does that differ from how society at large defines it?
- Why do you believe the current education system fails to prepare children for life?
- What should the ultimate goal of education be for parents and students?
Parenting 101
It’s important to talk about homeschooling as an extension of parenting. When we take on the perspective of ourselves as navigators or guides of the homeschool experience rather than the expert or teacher, our kids can thrive. Here’s what we chat about in this part of the episode.
- Can you explain the “education as discipleship” perspective that you’ve championed?
- What parenting principles have been most helpful to you as a homeschooling mom?
- What advice would you give to parents who feel overwhelmed by the dual role of parent and educator?
Homeschooling Approach
It’s always fun to ask our guests which homeschooling approach was the best fit for their family. And I’ve learned from these conversations (plus our own homeschooling adventure) that by the time we’re almost done homeschooling all the kids, we finally figure out our best fit! Sometimes it takes a bit of trial and error, so if you’re in that boat – you’re not alone!
In this part of our chat, here’s what I asked Mrs. Sam Sorbo:
- Do you have strategies for dealing with resistance or lack of motivation in children?
- There are many different educational philosophies, from classical to unschooling. Which one resonates most with you, and why?
Reflection & Future Vision
Mrs. Sam Sorbo takes a prominent role of advocating for parental and homeschooling rights. So I asked her:
- Where do you see the future of education heading, and what role will homeschooling play in it?
- What has been the most rewarding aspect of homeschooling for your family?
Parents’ Guide to Homeschool: Making Education Easy and Fun by Mrs. Sam Sorbo

Check out Mrs. Sam Sorbo’s newly launched book, Parents’ Guide to Homeschool: Making Education Easy and Fun.
You’ll also love the Christmas 40 Days Devotional by Sam and Kevin Sorbo.
Or register for her Washington, D.C. Expedition.
And don’t forget to subscribe to the Homeschool with Moxie Podcast for more inspiring interviews with amazing influencers in the homeschool world and beyond.