Yesterday’s challenge was all about setting some big goals for your year. But those big goals probably won’t get done if you don’t break them down into manageable tasks. Today’s topic focuses on setting quarterly goals.

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This post is Day #3 of our 25-Day Productivity Challenge! You can find the entire round-up HERE. Make sure you pin this post so you can find it later and don’t forget to take action!
Why big goals are not enough
You have to start with big goals, but they’re not enough because most of us will stare at the big goal all year and don’t know where to start. Remember, the big goal probably feels a bit scary and a bit out of reach – that’s okay! But if you leave it there, you won’t take action.
Plus, twelve months is too long to give yourself to accomplish a goal. Most of us will give up after just a few weeks. You need some quick wins, and that’s why quarterly goals are golden.
Why quarterly goals work
Quarterly goals give you just enough time to hit some big targets, but it’s short enough to feel motivation from your wins.
Every three months you get to have fresh mini-goals that are all leading toward your humungous year-end goal. It feels good to have new purpose each quarter.
Plus, by breaking down your large aim into actual manageable tasks, you’re able to get forward momentum – you actually know what you should be working on each month, each week, and each day!
How to set quarterly goals
Here’s your action step for today: Take your 3 big goals from yesterday’s brainstorm session and break each one down into quarterly goals. Write these down!
Then, take your quarterly goals and break them down further into the three months in that quarter. Then, again, break them down into weekly tasks. Now schedule in when you’re going to do these tasks.
Is it Saturday morning while the kids are playing? Is it during baby’s nap time? Or maybe it’s in the evening when hubby is home and can help clean up after dinner. Make it a priority.
You can do this! Comment below if you’re following along each day. And join us tomorrow for the next day of our Productivity Challenge. See you then!