Have you noticed that you are more motivated to get things done at certain times of the year? It’s important to take notice of the natural ebbs and flows of your seasonal energy to be more productive.

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This post is Day #21 of our 25-Day Productivity Challenge! You can find the entire round-up HERE. Make sure you pin this post so you can find it later and don’t forget to take action!
The 3 New Years
You’ve likely noticed that you’re naturally more motivated to get things done at certain times of the year. Here are the three New Years that most of us can relate to – even if you don’t have kids in school, it’s a natural progression through the year.
- Year #1: January through April
- Year #2: May through August
- Year #3: September through December
This is pretty accurate, right?
The real New Year, which begins on January 1st finds a lot of people decluttering their homes, starting new habits, and realigning their schedules for the year. We have natural energy to start with a clean slate.
The second New Year starts about the time the school year is winding down. You’re thinking about the new season, especially if you live in a climate where the weather warms up and the snow finally melts! You throw the windows open, ready to do a spring cleaning of your space.
Then, when September rolls around, the whole country is in “back to school” mode, even if they don’t have kids in school. Starting in September, and going all the way to the holiday season, you may feel like you’re starting with another clean slate. It feels like a new year because of the school calendar.
How to Work with Your Seasonal Energy
To be more productive, you should work with these natural seasonal energy flows – not against them!
Consider planning your goals to coincide with the natural energy peaks of each season.
So, if you want to start decluttering the house? January is a great month to begin instead of November.
Want to start walking outside each evening? May is a natural time to begin this habit.
See how your goals can line up with natural seasonal energy peaks, and you’ll find increased productivity.
Check out the complete 25 Day Productivity Challenge!
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