I am a podcast junkie. Listening to podcasts helps me learn and grow while I’m also keeping my hands busy. It’s a win-win. I don’t feel like I’m wasting time while I’m doing mindless tasks. In case you’re interested in some inspiration, here are my top 14 podcasts right now for homeschool mompreneurs.
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These podcasts are a mix of many things that interest me, from current events, to homeschooling, to parenting, to entrepreneurship, to faith.
My Top 14 Podcast Picks for Homeschool Mompreneurs
The World and Everything In It
This daily news podcast from the World Newsgroup provides the start to my day along with my cup of coffee (cream, no sugar). It provides the current events component to homeschool for my middle and high schoolers.
The BreakPoint Podcast
The BreakPoint Podcast provides a deep dive into the current stories that are important for faith and culture. Interviews with top thinkers help me expand my own thinking and wrestle with issues from a Christian worldview.
The Smart Passive Income Podcast
If you’re a homeschool mom trying to build a business on the side, then you need to listen to Pat Flynn’s SPI Podcast. He provides actionable and realistic strategies for all types of businesses.
The Side Hustle Show
I know many of us are entrepreneurs as we also actively homeschool – The Side Hustle Show is another great addition to your podcast round-up. The stories of real life people just like you are inspiring. It might even be a fun podcast for your entrepreneurial teens to listen to.
The Homeschool Snapshots Podcast
If you’ve been homeschooling for any length of time, you’ve probably already stumbled upon Pam Barnhill’s podcast: Homeschool Snapshots. But in case you haven’t, then add it to your downloads as well. It’s basically what everyone wants to know – what does homeschooling look like in other people’s homes? Sometimes we just want to be a fly on the wall, and with this podcast, you can!
The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey
I’ll just let Jamie tell you about her fun podcast in her own words:
“It’s hosted by Jamie Ivey and each week she invites a girlfriend to join her and they chat about the big things in life, the little things in life, and everything in between. Topics include marriage, faith, children, parenting, sorrow, grief, joy, justice, books, what they are loving, plus so much more.”
ProBlogger Podcast
Are you a blogger? Does the world of blogging intrigue you? Then check out Darren Rowse’s ProBlogger Podcast and be inspired.
Organize 365
If I had another life or room for another side hustle, professional organizing would be my gig. I remember spending hours organizing my room or my sister’s room when I was still a kid. Lisa Woodruff is living the dream, first starting out as a professional organizer and blogger in the field. Now she has grown her business to a podcast and products and an organizing convention! Whether you’re naturally organized or not, you will enjoy Lisa’s conversational style as you get actionable steps in hand to organize your own space.
This post about stages in the life of homeschool moms was inspired by Lisa’s stages of life as it relates to organizing.
Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield
The Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast is another must-listen for mompreneurs who are trying to build online businesses. So much gold in every episode! I feel like I have a mini business degree after listening to this podcast for several years.
God Centered Mom Podcast
Heather MacFadyen’s GCM Podcast is a great realistic show that reminds us that none of us are perfect in this mom-thing, but by God’s grace, we’re also not alone. She’s a mom of four boys in quick succession too, so I feel like I can so relate to her life!
Christy Wright’s Business Boutique
If you’re a fan of Dave Ramsey and his Financial Peace University, then you’ll love Christy Wright’s BB Podcast. It’s the perfect dose of inspiration, encouragement, tools and tips for mompreneurs in today’s economy. There’s never been a better time to start and grow a business. Check it out at BusinessBoutique.com
Best of Both Worlds Podcast
You might know co-host Laura Vanderkam from her popular productivity books – I Know How She Does It and 168 Hours – and on the Best of Both Worlds Podcast she discusses work and life balance, productivity, and parenting with Sarah Hart-Unger.
The {MARKED} Podcast by LifeWay Women is a
“…podcast for women who are marked by a hunger for God’s Word, a longing to impact culture, and a desire to discover and live out God’s calling in their lives.”
Each week you can listen to an inspiring interview of a woman and hear about God’s working in her life.
Listening In
If you enjoy interview podcasts, then you might enjoy Listening In, which “features discussions with newsmakers and thought leaders” and deep dives into topics that you won’t always hear covered in the mainstream media.
BONUS: #15
The Inspired to Action Podcast >> Now Check out Hello Mornings
I used to listen to Kat Lee’s Inspired to Action Podcast, which she describes as a “pep talk for moms.” That podcast is now on hiatus, and Kat has started a new podcast called Hello Mornings. I haven’t listened to it yet, but if it’s anything like her original podcast, it will be great! She covers how to build simple morning routines in her new show. Because we all know that if the morning starts out off kilter, the rest of the day will probably be off the rails too.
And now for the fun news! I hope you’ll add the Homeschool with Moxie podcast to your weekly line-up! You can find the first episode HERE. If you want to be the first to know when new episodes are released, then be sure to join my mailing list below.
Homeschool with Moxie Podcast
The HWM Podcast is all about equipping and encouraging homeschool moms to move from overwhelmed to confident. As a former classroom teacher, I know that parents are uniquely gifted and qualified to teach their kids! You can do this. I’d love to feature reader questions on my podcast and I’ve already heard from some of you! Contact me at abby@4onemore.com and I’ll consider using your question on an upcoming episode.
Happy Podcast Binging,
Thanks for the mention, Abby!
My pleasure 🙂
I am an entrepreneur, and in the future I want to be a mom and a homeschooler, so this is an ideal post for me! I also love binge-listening to podcasts, so… 😉
Super! Glad you found this post helpful.