My 5 year old had a lot of fun brushing up on her math skills by playing online math games from Matific Galaxy. If you are interested in an online subscription, here’s what you can expect.

What is Matific Galaxy
Matific Galaxy is an online learning platform where your kids can access hundreds of math games that cover concepts from grades K-6. You can easily access Matific Galaxy through desktop or any iOS or Android smartphone or tablet.

As your child works through a specific grade level of math concepts, she will play dozens of different types of fun games.
Here are some games that my kindergartener played.

Features of the online subscription
When you sign up for the online subsciption to Matific Galaxy your child will benefit from the self-guided games and immediate feedback. If they choose an incorrect answer, they will be alerted and have the chance to fix it.
As they work through the grade level you choose for them, they will continue to unlock new games and activities.

Matific Galaxy includes a parent zone with status reports, percentage grades, and even the opportunity to send your child motivational messages.

You can set weekly learning goals and Matific Galaxy will send email reports letting you know if they’ve been met.

The parent zone includes clear reports specifying the content that has been mastered and the content that still needs more practice.

You can choose two different subscription options with Matific Galaxy:
- access all levels K-6
- choose access to one single grade
How we used it
My five year old logged in a couple times a week and played through the next levels of challenges. She thought it was fun to earn pixels to unlock new activities.

We mainly used it on our desktop computer, but she did try it out on my smartphone.

If your kids need extra math practice, an online subscription might be a good choice. The benefits of this over a generic free math game app is that you can track progress, see reports, and know what grade level they’re working at.
If you want to try it out for free, you can!
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