I admit that I’m not the most creative when it comes to diving into literature in our homeschool. We kind of read it, talk about it, then move on. But for the kinesthetic and visual learners, there’s a whole other world that this approach misses out on! So when we had the opportunity to try out LitWits Kits from LitWits, I knew it would be fun. Here’s my review of LitWits.

What are LitWits Kits?
LitWits Kits were created as experiential literature workshops for kids, but they work great in a homeschool environment as well.

They provide hands-on activities and experiences to engage kids and all the senses. Some LitWits Kits include meal ideas to go along with the story, or provide crafts, games, or projects related to the story arc.
The Kits provide so many ideas, that you will never use them all! So you can pick and choose what will be realistic for you to implement and which activities your kids will love the most.
I really like the Prop Ideas and think it’s a unique way to add tangible connections to the book. It’s also great for visual learners.

There are handouts included if you want your students to do some written work. They take the guess-work out of experiencing literature with your kids. With the LitWits Handouts, it’s purely open & go for the busy homeschool mom.
Answer keys are provided for the Handouts, so you don’t have to worry about knowing it all as a facilitator.

At only $18, this is a terrific price, especially if you can use it for multiple kids in your home.
Charlotte’s Web LitWits Kit Review
For this LitWits review, my first grader was excited to read Charlotte’s Web and then dive into some activities suggested by the Charlotte’s Web LitWits Kit. She read some of the chapters by herself, but enjoyed listening to an audiobook version for most of it.

She then watched suggested videos of spiders making webs and pigs eating slop. It’s one thing to read about slop and another thing to watch a pig eating it!
Then we created a simple collection of props to go with the story.

My first-grader enjoyed the suggested hands-on craft project by making Charlotte’s web.

I normally would have only read the book with my daughter, but using the LitWits Kit, it inspired us to dig deeper into discussing aspects of the story, like point of view and specific characters. My daughter enjoyed the creative aspects of using the LitWits suggestions.

The Hobbit LitWits Kit
We also accessed The Hobbit LitWits Kit, but haven’t used it yet. Like the Charlotte’s Web Kit, it includes such fun visual aspects. My sixth grade son will enjoy experiencing The Hobbit in such a tangible way. We’re excited to jump in soon!

The LitWits Kits provide great support to the homeschool mom – you can see from the photo above that all of their prop suggestions are accompanied by real-life pictures to spark your creativity.
LitWits Kits are so comprehensive that they take the guess work out of exploring literature. Even if you don’t think of yourself as a creative homeschool mom or literature buff, you can still be successful with LitWits Kits.
If you’re looking for a more hands-on approach to literature in your homeschool, I would definitely suggest giving LitWits a try. They have dozens of titles available.
But don’t take my word for it – click the graphic below to check out more reviews from the Homeschool Review Crew.

ABBY! Oh my goodness, we LOVE these pictures and this wonderful overview of LitWits Kits! There is nothing, honestly, that makes us happier than seeing smiling young LitWitters experiencing our projects and activities, unless it’s knowing that we helped make things a little simpler for hardworking teacher moms like you! Your sweet daughter’s Web with a View project, by the way, is AWESOME!! And watching spider videos in your jammies? THIS is what homeschooling is all about, right? So fun. Thanks for sharing with us (and with the world) all the fun you had with Charlotte and that “terrific” pig. Happy reading! Becky and Jenny