If you burn out, you won’t be able to be productive! So while self care can get a bad rap, it’s a necessary part of productivity. Here’s what it looks like for the introverts and the extrovert.

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Why Self Care is Important
Self care can have a bad connotation because we think of it as being selfish. But the reality is – if you’re not taking care of yourself, you will burn out! Self care is an essential foundation to increased productivity.
You cannot be productive if you’re not able to keep up with life. So, self care takes on an important restorative meaning as we want to be healthy – emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Self care is a part of this health.
But it doesn’t look the same for everyone.
Introverts can be social when they need to be, but after that – they crash! You need to build in buffer days into your schedule if you know you’re going to have to be talkative and very social at an event.
What things restore you as an introvert? It could be a crafting hobby, exercise, cooking, reading, or sleeping!
Make sure you take the time to get this essential recharge time built into your life so that your productivity doesn’t suffer.
What about the extroverts? You might hate being at home educating your kids full-time! For you, self care might be regularly scheduling time with other moms, going shopping with friends, or coffee dates. What is it that you need to feel recharged? Don’t neglect it in your schedule.