If you’ve ever considered opening an Etsy shop, now is the time! The demand is unprecedented for fabric face masks and you can start a thriving business right now. I’ll show you how to sell face masks on Etsy.

I’ve been selling on Etsy since 2012 as a way to make a side income, decompress from homeschooling by crafting (introvert here!), and help our family afford international adoption five years ago. I’ve continued to craft and sell in my free time. But now the opportunity is exploding for crafty moms and their crafty teens!
A few days ago, Etsy sent out an email to all their shop owners, basically begging us to start sewing and selling face masks if we can. This is unprecedented.
I teach in my Etsy Masterclass for Teens to follow the trends if you can, because that’s where the growth will come at first. Well, here’s an unfortunate trend. But if you’re in business, people are begging to buy face masks right now, and if you can meet that demand, you’ll see explosive growth. This is not unethical! I’m all for sewing free masks for my friends & family, but it’s not wrong to sell your product either. You are meeting a real need for people.
Start an Etsy Shop Now
So, why am I telling you all of this?
If you’ve thought about starting an Etsy shop, or your entrepreneurial teens have considered it, now’s the time.
You can literally start with $0 invested (other than your supplies).
Etsy Quickstart Guide
I just received an email from someone who purchased my Etsy Quickstart Guide.

She wrote:
“I have used it to start my Etsy shop and I definitely found it helpful. I doubt I would have actually done it without the information you gave in your guide.
I formally opened shop March 1st and have had 18 sales since then.”
Well, when I went and checked out her shop on April 4th, I noticed she already had 141 sales since opening her shop!!! In one month! And most of those sales were… fabric face masks.
She has had much faster growth than I had back in 2012.
Another student opened a shop in April and said this:
“After reading this book I had the confidence to finally set up the etsy shop I’ve been wanting to start for years. I felt like finally a lot of my questions were answered.“
I just checked her shop a couple weeks into April, and she has sold over 60 fabric masks in a few weeks!
Selling on Etsy Masterclass for Teens
Another entrepreneurial teenager who took this class recently said:
Last summer I joined Abby’s Selling on Etsy Masterclass for Teens. I was 12 at the time, and only had a couple sales. Abby was quick to answer my questions. She also gave me personalized advice to improve my Etsy shop. After investing time to experiment with what worked and what didn’t, I learned a lot about business and selling on Etsy. I’ve been over to reach 100 sales! It’s so helpful for a new Etsy seller to have a step by step action plan to start their shop. Anna from AnnaMadeDesignCo

Document Your Teen’s Efforts
So, I want to help you get started if this sounds like a great fit for you or your teens.
And don’t forget that you can absolutely document the time and effort your teen invests into starting an Etsy shop. It makes sense to include it as an entrepreneurial elective on a high school transcript!
You can sell face masks on Etsy, or you can sell any other handmade product that you can make! I have seen sales for home decor increase since the pandemic started, because people just have more time at home to shop online.
So, of course you’re not limited to face masks at all! But it’s a great way to get in on the demand right now.
Limited Time Offer
For the month of April, save 20% and get my specialized help in getting your Etsy shop opened quickly. This is an investment into your shop, and the quicker your listings are available for sale, the quicker you will recoup your investment!
Use the coupon code SAVE20 to get my Etsy Quickstart Guide eBook for only $15.99 (regularly priced at $19.99). You’ll have all the information you need to easily and quickly open your shop and sell products!

Or, if your kids need more structure, including a video format, you can enroll in the Selling on Etsy Masterclass for Teens for 20% off with the coupon code 4ONEMORE. Pay only $77.60 (regularly priced at $97).
I can’t wait to hear from you about how your Etsy business is thriving!