When I was a new homeschool mom with a kindergartener and three more littles under him, my husband and I went to our first homeschool convention – and it was just what I needed! It was inspiring to attend workshops led by seasoned homeschool moms who assured me that I could indeed provide an excellent education for my tribe. The vendor hall lined with crisp new curriculum gave me the confidence to choose what I thought would work best for our flavor of homeschooling.
Confession: I haven’t been to a live convention since my first one over a decade ago! I just couldn’t find the time, space, budget, or childcare. And as I’ve homeschooled all these years, I find myself in a different stage. But I still love online conventions! Because I can sit in my jammies with a coffee and still enjoy the encouragement.
Here are 4 reasons why you need to attend a homeschool convention (in person or online, it doesn’t matter!)

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There is more than one way to homeschool
It is easy to get into a rut with homeschooling. Sometimes we can only see our way of doing things. But when you go to a convention or watch sessions online, you are exposing yourself to other styles and philosophies of homeschooling. If you are open to suggestions, you might find a better way of doing things.
It will help you think outside the box
Have you run into burnout? Maybe one of your kids is struggling in a subject. Maybe you’re having trouble keeping up with all your responsibilities on top of homeschooling. We all encounter obstacles in homeschooling at one time or another, and hearing from other homeschoolers during a conference can give us problem solving help as we are challenged to think outside the box.
Sometimes it’s not even the topic of the session that’s needed. It might be one phrase or comment from the speaker than turns the lightbulb on in our heads! This is the power of community when homeschooling. We don’t have all the answers, and being humble enough to be open to suggestions is life-giving.
You need encouragement
No matter which stage of homeschooling you find yourself in, you need encouragement. When you have lots of littles and your days and nights run together, you need to hear from someone who has successfully navigated that season. When you find yourself homeschooling teens, you need to hear from someone who has successfully graduated their kids from homeschool. At every stage and varied season, we need to hear that we’re not alone.
It’s part of your growth and professional development
Attending a homeschool convention (whether in person or online) will aid in growth in your role as a homeschool parent. It’s part of your professional development, and the benefits you gain from the time spent in this personal growth will spill over into your homeschool year!

Have you checked out these resources yet?
6 Ways You’re Making Homeschooling Harder Than It Needs To Be
The Simple Guide to Homeschool Your First Year
88 Things First Time Homeschool Moms Needs to Know
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