Have you ever experienced FOMO as a homeschool mom? You know, the fear of missing out. If you’re anything like me, I’m sure you have felt this emotion.
I occasionally substitute in our local public school and I really enjoy it! Sometimes I find myself wishing I had kept teaching and imagine what life would be like with that extra pay check. On these days, I return home with some serious FOMO.
FOMO ebbs and changes with the seasons and stages of motherhood. As with anything, when you throw homeschooling into the mix, it can get downright intense. And so can your FOMO. Let’s talk about 3 main areas of FOMO for homeschool moms and what you can do about it.
Make sure you scroll down to the bottom of this post to download some super cute Home Sweet Homeschool Art Prints!

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FOMO for Homeschool Moms & what to do about it
Career FOMO
Do you ever look at those families with two solid incomes and feel a tinge of sadness that you’re homeschooling? I sure do! You might have a college degree in a professional field or have experience in the workforce and wish you could contribute to the family finances like your friends. This is normal to feel this way even when you’re convinced that homeschooling is the right choice for your family in this season. But it can be hard if you feel like you’re missing out on the extra finances or building that dream career.
What can you do about it? Realize that just because you’re homeschooling doesn’t mean you can’t build a business! Many homeschool moms find themselves engaged in their passions and growing side gigs, some of which grow even more than a “traditional career” would have. It’s important to spend time on your interests and use your gifts. This is a concrete way that homeschool moms can avoid burnout.
Bottom line on career FOMO? Definitely dial in to your WHY for homeschooling when you feel discouraged. Realizing that homeschooling fits your family’s priorities in this season will help you weather these emotions. But also give yourself permission to create your own career or business on the side and enjoy using your giftings in this way.
Check out these resources:
A Day in the Life of a Homeschool Mompreneur
How to Run an Etsy Business While Homeschooling
Clean House & Free Time FOMO
What about this one? When you choose to homeschool, you choose a lifestyle with the kids at home most, if not all the time. And while you love it, you also hate it. Am I right? Because while your friends can tidy up the house after dropping off the kids at school, then enjoy the clean house all day, you spend most of your day dealing with a constant mess. Because the kids are home. And they’re all using 64 pencils. And notebooks. And the LEGO bin gets dumped. Chaos.
What about free time? When you see your peers on social media meeting up with friends during the day while their kids are at school, it can be difficult to know that you won’t have much free time today. Because when you’re not overseeing homeschool, you’ll be fixing lunch for your crew, or tidying up the house, or running the kids to music lessons.
Bottom line on clean house & free time FOMO? You can’t do it all. Embrace this season of homeschooling for what it is – a season. Enjoy having your kids at home, even with all the noise and natural chaos. Realize that there is no such thing as balance. If you’re homeschooling, you’re choosing to forgo some of the perks you would otherwise have. And I’ve found that taking a break from social media is a good thing. Oh, and definitely include your kids in the housekeeping duties!
Check out these resources:
Our Kids Chore System & Why We Pay Them
Balancing Housework & Homeschool | Practical Solutions That Work
From Overwhelm to Calm: Embracing Planned Neglect
FOMO for my kids
What if the FOMO is not for you, but for your kids? Do you ever feel like they are missing out? Missing out academically, or socially, or with extra-curricular activities? Have you ever had a nagging thought in the back of your mind that you might ruin your kids? This is completely normal to feel this way, but don’t camp there. Realize that your kids are indeed missing out on the “traditional” school experience and instruction, but that is actually a good thing. The individualized and one-on-one educational approach that homeschooling allows is second to none. Your kids can love to learn. They can embrace creativity and innovation, not living for the test. They can go deep into a topic instead of shallow and wide. They won’t learn everything there is to learn in the traditional system either. There will always be “gaps.” But if your child can learn to be a life-long learner, then you’ve succeeded.
Bottom line on FOMO for my kids? Embrace that they’re missing out on certain things and capitalize on the opportunities they have because of homeschooling.
Check out these resources:
Download this Home Sweet Homeschool print or the other four below in my resource library.
You can find these four beautiful homeschool printable art pieces in my resource library. These can be printed on 8.5 x 11″ paper and framed in an 8 x 10″ frame. If you’d like higher quality prints, then print on card stock. Another fun idea is to slip one of these onto a clipboard and rotate the art. Enjoy!

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