The Exodus from Egypt in the Old Testament teaches us who God is. Your family will love these Exodus activities & Bible crafts for children.
One of the wonderful aspects of homeschooling is that we can use multiple teaching techniques to help our children learn. In fact, God created us to learn from story, as well as from object lessons and hands-on activities. During the story of the Exodus in the Bible, when God rescued his chosen people the Israelites from slavery, God’s people lived out a true story that taught them who God is and how to worship him. Then, God had his prophet, Moses, write the history of the Exodus in Scripture so that we, too, can learn more about who God is through the story of the Exodus. Using activities, story, and crafts, your kids can learn more about nine attributes of God, the Ten Commandments, and about how God answered the cries of his people.
Exodus Activities & Bible Crafts for Children
During the Exodus from Egypt, God taught us that he is:Our kids can learn and remember these lessons using a lapbook, crafts, and–of course–story.
- faithful
- known to us
- sovereign
- our Savior
- with us
- all-powerful
- our provider
- victorious
- holy.
The Exodus is a fascinating story of who God is and how he rescued his people. With fun story and activities, your 7-12 year olds will remember what they’ve learned!
- Why Did the Exodus Happen? by Danika Cooley | Why Did the Exodus Happen? (Christian Focus Publications, 2024) is an engaging narrative about how God led his people from slavery, taught them who he is, and taught them how to worship him.
- 10 Plagues of Egypt Wheel | Kids will build a wheel showing the order and content of the ten plagues God brought on the Egyptians, until the Pharaoh let God’s people go.
- Moses and the Red Sea Stick Puppets | Your kids will create Bible stick puppets with figures for Moses, Aaron, Pharaoh and his horse and chariot, two Egyptians, camels, and the parting Red Sea. These puppets will allow the kids to narrate the story of the parting of the Red Sea.
- Moses and the 10 Commandments Booklet | Your kids will build a booklet on the Ten Commandments in either ESV or KJV, crafting little pictures to help them better understand and remember the meaning of each Commandment.
- Why Did the Exodus Happen? Lapbook | With the Exodus lapbook, your children will delve deeper into what they’ve learned, including:
- The impact of the Exodus on the Old Testament world, on the Church, and on your child’s world.
- The Old Testament world. Your child will learn about what it was like to live during the time of the Exodus.
- The people involved in the biblical, historical story of the Exodus.
- Exodus vocabulary.
- The timeline of the Exodus.
- The geography of each Exodus story.
- Theology: Bible passages that show God is faithful, known to us, sovereign, our Savior, with us, all-powerful, our Provider, victorious, and holy.
Danika Cooley’s Who What Why Christian history series is perfect for your 7-12 year olds. Your children will better understand the history of the Christian faith, the people who loved Jesus, and what the Bible says about really important issues! Danika is an award-winning children’s author and Bible curriculum developer. Her popular Bible Road Trip™ is used by tens of thousands of families. Learn more about the Who What Why series and grab your free history lapbooks here.