We received two dry erase flashcard sets from Channie’s Visual Handwriting & Math workbooks. My 6-year-old tried out these two sets: Channie’s Dry Erase Flashcard For Alphabet & Number and Channie’s Dry Erase Flashcard for Sight Words. Here’s how we used them.

About Channie’s Dry Erase Flashcards
These dry erase flashcards are great for repetitive practice with writing letters and words correctly.
The Alphabet & Number flashcard set is geared toward ages 4-6. It’s the perfect companion to your littlest ones who are just learning their letters and numbers, or it works great for your 1st graders who already know these things, but still need additional practice with proper handwriting.
The set includes 26 alphabet cards and 10 numbers. Each letter card includes the capital on one side and lowercase on the reverse.
The Sight Words flashcard set is geared more towards kids in the 5-6 year old age range. This set includes 100 sight words, which are words that don’t follow the normal phonics rules. To become fluent readers, kids need to be able to recognize these words quickly and not get bogged down in decoding them – because they don’t follow the rules anyway!
Here are some benefits of Channie’s Dry Erase Flashcards:
- ability to self-correct because of blocks on cards
- blocks help with keeping letter size consistent
- shading helps in lowercase placement and writing in straight lines
- reusable
How We Used Them
My 6-year-old already knows her letters and numbers, but we used several of these almost daily to reinforce correct letter formation.
The sight word cards were helpful in properly spacing letters in words. This is a skill that even into first and second grade some kids can have trouble with, so these cards were the perfect solution for small daily practice.
Channie’s Visual Handwriting Workbooks or dry erase flashcards are the perfect resource to include in your homeschool if you have kids in the lower elementary grades. I really like the fact that the flashcards can be used over and over and with multiple kids, so your money really will go a long way!
But don’t take my word for it – check out additional reviews from the homeschool review crew by clicking the picture below.