Are you a homeschool mom with a love of crafting, or thrifting, or printable creation? Would you like a way to make an income on the side while working from home and still homeschooling? Here’s how to sell on Etsy while homeschooling. I have been selling on Etsy since 2012, and I was able to earn $11K from my shop… Read More
Check out these posts for everything you've ever wanted to know about how to homeschool! From curriculum options, schedules, electives, and best practices, you'll find actionable strategies, inspiration & encouragement. You can search by subject or grade level as well as read reviews of curriculum.
Ultimate Youtube Playlist for High School Physical Science
If teaching high school science in your homeschool gives you the jitters, you’re not alone! But there’s no need to feel ill-equipped. You can do it. And this YouTube playlist for science will help you. The Ultimate Youtube Playlist for High School Physical Science is made with you in mind. I’m personally not very confident in my ability to explain… Read More
3 Strategies to use when your kids don’t love to read | The Book Whisperer
We were struggling in our homeschool when I found The Book Whisperer. I had bought expensive reading curriculum for every grade level, from kindergarten all the way up to middle school. But my kids didn’t love it. The stories didn’t captivate them. It was a chore, just another subject. I worried too much about filling out book reviews or answering… Read More
Do You Know This Super Simple Productivity Secret? Homeschool Mom Life Hack
Do you ever feel like you whittle away five minutes here, ten minutes there? I sure do! You know, checking Facebook, looking for a recipe on Pinterest then getting side-tracked, going to copy your child’s math test and deciding to check email, only to realize twenty minutes later that the math test is still not copied?! This post contains affiliate… Read More
How to Plan Your Homeschool Year Like a Pro
Are you going to homeschool but are not sure how to plan your year? This post is for you! You might be asking these questions: Which subjects should be taught? Do I need to buy curriculum? How will I homeschool with multiple grade levels? Let me show you how painless it can be to make a complete overview plan for… Read More
A Day in the Life of a Homeschool Mompreneur
I love getting a peek into other homeschools – it is inspiring! I’ve read a lot of diary blog posts featuring the homeschooled student. But what about a day in the life of… the work-at-home homeschool mom?! I know I’m not alone in that in addition to homeschooling, I’m working my buns off. I’m not sitting on the couch catching… Read More
How will Homeschooling impact our Lifestyle?
Homeschooling will impact your lifestyle in many ways, especially if you’re pulling your kids out of traditional school settings and bringing them home full-time. These changes will bring challenges but also opportunities. I don’t have all the answers for your specific situation, but this video helps you identify areas to clarify before you start homeschooling. There are three big questions… Read More
The 3 Stages in the Life of a Homeschool Mom
Did you know that if you homeschool for several years, you’ll start to notice different homeschool stages? That’s because homeschooling definitely changes through the years. Nothing stays the same. Once you find a groove, you ride it out as long as you can, but be prepared to change things up. You grow and change in your comfortability with homeschooling…. Read More
Want to Understand Your Kids? How the Four Tendencies Personality Profiles Will Rock Your Homeschool
The Four Tendencies framework will help you better understand yourself and your kids – and give you insight into how to fix motivational issues in your homeschool! Did you ever wonder why some kids are self-starters and don’t need much motivation to finish tasks, while others need daily or hourly check-ins from mom to complete an assignment? Did you ever… Read More
Ultimate YouTube Playlist for World Geography
This YouTube playlist is a lifesaver if you have middle or high school kids studying world geography. I love the minimalist approach (aka, no expensive online or full-curriculum option) and our goal is to raise independent learners. By the time my kids are in middle and high school, the majority of their daily work is on them. For sure, I… Read More