In this Apologia review, we’ll show you how to help your kids love science even if you didn’t as a kid! When you have a less-than-stellar education in a subject as a kid, you tend to pass on your dislike of that subject to your own kids. I didn’t have a terrific science education in K-12, even in a private… Read More
Homeschool High School
Are you homeschooling teens in grades 9-12? These posts will discuss best practices, schedules, and curriculum options for your homeschool high school.
Nevermore Fall Raven Wreath Tutorial
Are you looking for a simple yet chic fall wreath design that fits well with the fall and Halloween seasons without looking tacky? Then the Nevermore Raven Wreath is for you! This wreath makes use of upcycled and found objects so that having a stylish wreath on your door won’t break the bank. I designed this wreath several years ago… Read More
Code for Teens: A Review
My house is brimming with teen boys who love everything tech. I love to see them using the computer for something other than Minecraft. (I know, I know, it can be educational too.) So when I saw Code for Teens written by a homeschool dad to homeschooled kids, I bought it right away, knowing that someone in my house was likely to devour… Read More
11 Amazing Social Studies Videos & YouTube Channels
When I created my Ultimate YouTube Playlist for World Geography, I spent many hours scouring the internet for great social studies videos. When you’re studying world geography, you don’t just learn the landforms and call it a day. No, there are other things at play. Things like politics, history, environmental factors, religious differences, economics, and even how geography affects all… Read More
7 Amazing Science YouTube Channels
Homeschooling is so much easier than it used to be, thanks to technology like YouTube! Now we don’t have to be experts in science, math, art, coding, or a host of other topics in order to teach our kids at home. We can find great explanations and teaching on virtually any subject. And we can’t deny that kids (and adults)… Read More
DIY Embroidery Hoop Art
My go-to craft supply is anything that is upcycled. I love to give things a new life. I’ve been collecting embroidery hoops from thrift stores for a while now. They just sit in a pile because I’m waiting for inspiration to strike. And strike it did. Here’s my newest take on DIY Embroidery Hoop Art. This post contains affiliate links… Read More
Best Homeschool Math Curriculum
Homeschool moms everywhere love curriculum recommendations from other homeschool moms. Of course a publisher is going to say their curriculum is the best. But what do moms in the trenches say? Here’s where we want to know what the best homeschool math curriculum is according to experienced moms with real kids. Don’t forget that your kids are all different! What worked… Read More
BJU Press Math Review for Homeschool
Here’s a BJU Press Math Review from our 10+ years of using this math curriculum in our homeschool at every level from K to high school. Teaching math in homeschool ranks high in adding to the stress levels of homeschool moms everywhere. But even if your child attended public school, you’d still have to help with the math homework. If… Read More
Christian Worldview Current Events Resources for Homeschools
Would you like a current events resource for your homeschool that discusses news and culture from a Christian worldview? Then you’ve got to check out the resources from WORLD Newsgroup. By bringing NPR-styled reporting from a biblical perspective, WORLD Newsgroup fills a gap in the market. They also have resources for every grade level, so that your children are hearing… Read More
10th Grade Homeschool Curriculum Plan
Homeschooling a 10th grader? Want some curriculum inspiration? Come peek inside our homeschool to see what we’re using in high school next year. Pssst…. this post was written in 2018. Now that we’ve homeschooled 10th grade three more times, here’s what we’re using for 10th grade homeschool in 2023. This post uses affiliate links. They don’t cost you a thing… Read More