I have been selling on etsy since 2012. What began out of necessity as we were needing extra income to help start the adoption process soon turned into a great part-time job for me. I have had countless friends ask me about running an etsy business, so I know there are people out there who are curious. So from the perspective… Read More
Home & Family
These posts will help give you actionable solutions and ideas for dealing with all the homemaking responsibilities we have as homeschool moms. Definitely check out our chore system and why I don't do laundry (and you shouldn't either). You'll also find posts about crafts, productivity, and finances here.
Upcycle Baby Clothes into a Memory Blanket
Our daughter came home to us from Ethiopia wearing 12 month sized clothes even though she was 19 months old. But once she settled in and learned to trust us and try new foods, she quickly filled out. Many beautiful outfits have only fit her for a one-time-wear because of how fast she’s put on weight! What to do with… Read More
What a Difference a Family Makes!
Anna Rakeb has been home for two months! She is growing, gaining weight, trying new foods, learning new words, and being loved and adored by her four brothers and mom and dad. God has rescued her from so much already and we can’t wait to see the story He will continue to write for her life. Thanks to all who… Read More
DIY Map Art: Upcycle a Puzzle
This project combines a lot of things I love — maps, upcycling, paint, chevron, burlap, and bold color. I turned a 50 cent yard sale puzzle from this… …into this! And you can do it too! Yard sale season is here, and you’re bound to find some sorry little puzzles that just need a good upcycle. Gather your… Read More
8 Adoption Fundraiser Ideas
Our Anna Rakeb has been home from Ethiopia for just over 2 weeks now. Lots of firsts, new experiences, and bonding going on at our house. And I forgot how many messes toddlers can make in ten seconds flat! Now that we’re at the end of the adoption journey, we can look back and see how God provided the finances…. Read More
Forever Family
She’s home!
Ethiopia Adoption: Introducing our Anna Rakeb
Many, many thanks to our friends and family who have supported us in this journey through encouragement, prayers, financial gifts, and many other ways. Many of you have been following the progress of our puzzle fundraiser on Facebook this week. We have been humbled by the amazing response and it is with thankful hearts that we announce that this final… Read More
snapshots of Ethiopia – Trip 1 Day 5 Court!
{Here’s Day 1, 2, 3 & 4} The purpose of this trip to Ethiopia was to, of course, finally meet our sweet girl. But this trip is called the “Court Trip” because we officially and legally in Ethiopia went before a judge and adopted her! She is our daughter now, even though we are home and she is still in… Read More
snapshots of Ethiopia — First Trip Day 4
Just showing off my photos from our 4th day in Ethiopia! Maybe by the time I’m done this little series, it will be time to go pick up our girl. Then I will show you her face! So, with two days to prepare for our trip to Africa, we left our house in PA on Thursday morning, February 19th, with… Read More
DIY Spring Floral Pillow
Today’s DIY pillow tutorial shows you how to turn an upcycled knit top into a gorgeous oversized flower on a simple pillow cover. And the good news? Perfect sewing skills aren’t needed for this project. (This post contains affiliate links, which means at no extra cost to you, I may make a commission from purchases from these links. Thank you… Read More