As you wait, tell yourself again and again that you have not been singled out. Remind yourself that you are part of a vast company of people who are being called to wait. Reflect on the biblical story. Abraham waited many years for his promised son. Israel waited 420 years for deliverance from Egypt, then another 40 years before they could enter the land God had promised them. God’s people waited generation after generation for the Messiah, and the church now waits for his return. The whole world groans as it waits for the final renewal of all things that God has promised. In ministry, it is vital to understand that waiting is not an interruption of God’s plan. It is his plan. And you can know this as well: the Lord who has called you to wait is with you in your wait. He hasn’t gone off to do something else, like the doctor you’re waiting to see. No, God is near, and he provides for you all that you need to be able to wait. {Paul Tripp}
Adoption: The waiting stage
As I walked past our future daughter’s room this morning, I was reminded of how long this wait has been. We officially started the paper chase for this adoption over 2 years ago. Our dossier has been in Ethiopia for over a year now. We have had to update our home study and are in the process of getting the paperwork ready to send into USCIS to ask for an extension of our immigration file with them. It was nice to have the initial paperwork over, but now we are getting to the point of having to redo it because it is expiring. When will the wait be over?So many people ask me if there’s any news. And the answer is always no. Sometimes the wait seems a burden. How can we plan for the future if we’re not sure when our trips to Ethiopia will be? Sometimes the wait seems pointless. But then, I’m reminded that the wait is God’s plan. His perfect plan.
Maybe the paper chase stage was easier because it was in our hands to get the job done. Now, everything is totally out of our control. And in the end, that’s the best place for it to be.
Can’t wait to look back and see how God was creating a beautiful picture of His grace in our little lives.
And now you are looking back upon your waiting period … and there is only JOY ! He is Faithful !