If you have teens, you might be frustrated (like I was) that almost every Advent Bible Reading Plan out there is geared toward little kids. But what can you do with your teens to engage them in conversation about theology and help prepare their hearts for Advent? Take a look at this Advent Bundle – Jesus: Prophecy Fulfilled and see if it might fit a need in your home like it did mine.

Engaging Our Teens
With my background as a pastor’s wife, former middle school teacher, and homeschool mom, I know that we can be tempted to water down Bible study for our high schoolers.
However, it’s crazy to do that in the one area that will have an eternal impact!
We expect them to take honors courses or dual enrollment classes as homeschool teens. Then, we water down their Bible study and act as though they can’t handle depth.
That’s why we created our Inductive Bible Study courses – because teens can and should be challenged to dig deep into their study of Scripture!
And that’s also why I created these particular Advent cards.
They don’t simply walk through the “Christmas story” as presented in Luke 2. Many of our kids have read through this with us yearly for over a decade. And there’s nothing wrong with that. But, let’s dive deeper and also address apologetics.
These Advent cards will give you a simple family Bible reading plan for December that engages your teens with the questions: “Did Jesus really fulfill prophecy? Is Jesus who He claimed to be? Was he the Messiah?”
Advent Bible Reading Cards
Here’s a Family Scripture Reading plan for December that will engage your teens!
Follow 25 days of Scripture readings that will show how Jesus fulfilled Old Testament prophecy as the Messiah.
Each day highlights one of the prophecies, then lists the OT reference and (usually) multiple NT references showing their fulfillment in Jesus!
These cards will provide a meaningful plan for your family Bible time during the Advent season, but in a format that will not be too simplified for your teens. Sometimes teens are left out of the Advent season, as many family Bible plans are geared toward the youngest kids with simple retellings of the Christmas story.
These cards will give your teens a jumping-off point to discuss theology with the family!
Your download includes 7 pages with 4 cards each.
For best results, print in color on card stock. Cut apart and laminate.
Since only Scripture references are on these cards, your family can use any Bible version.
Advent Bundle
This bundle purchase includes:
- Advent Prophecy Cards Scripture Reading Plan
- Copywork pages
- Scripture Memory Verse Cards
So in addition to the 25 Prophecy Cards that can guide your family Bible study through the month of December, the Advent Bundle includes additional related resources that your younger kids can use.
Copywork Pages
Scripture copywork pages each for grades K-4 and grades 5+ include verses related to the Advent Prophecy Cards.
Since only Scripture references are on these copywork pages, your family can use any Bible version.
Scripture Memory Verse Cards
Scripture Memory Verse Cards are taken from the Scripture Reading Plan (Isaiah 9:2, 6a, 6b; John 8:12) and are in the ESV.
Check out this post for how to use these cards in a Bible Memory Box system.