Homeschool math can be a tricky subject to tackle for many reasons! This interview with Lisa Ann Dillon includes practical ideas for taking the anxiety out of math instruction and engaging our kids in the beauty of math.

Welcome to the show notes for Episode #57 of the Homeschool with Moxie podcast!
As a former classroom teacher, now homeschooling mom of five, I love to equip and encourage other homeschooling families.
Stick around to learn how to homeschool with moxie. It’s about embracing your journey and finding your groove.
EPISODE #57: Homeschool Math Without Anxiety
This episode is an interview I did with Lisa Ann Dillon, a homeschool mom and teacher at SLO Classical Academy. We talked about how mindset plays a big part in the anxiety a lot of us bring to our homeschool math lessons. Lisa Ann brings lots of encouragement and practical ideas for taking the anxiety out of math instruction, as well as engaging our kids in the beauty of math.
Wisdom Wonder Project makes the power, magic, & mystery of learning accessible to the modern homeschool family. We offer homeschool curricula filled with rich and beautiful, hold-your-hand lessons that will spark wonder and wisdom in your children. Available as monthly and annual subscriptions, you don’t have to pay a lot for a great education. Accessible worldwide, wherever you are.
Lisa Ann Dillon wears many hats! She teaches a third fourth grade combo at SLO Classical Academy, a hybrid school that offers a home schooling component in conjunction with on campus instruction. With her own children attending SLOCA, she is also a homeschooling mom. Due to her passion for teaching math dynamically, she has been working closely with the Wisdom Wonder Project and has been instrumental in the production of the Singapore Math Video series.
Resources & Links Mentioned on the Podcast:
- Wisdom Wonder Project’s Singapore Math Instructional Videos for Kindergarten
- Wisdom Wonder Project (digital homeschool company)
- COVID-19 Homeschool Resource Archive – FREE!