Some of you may be wondering how to homeschool through major life changes. These times of extra stress might be joyful too – things like a new baby or a new home. Or, they could be times of upheaval like the loss of a family member or extended sickness. Whatever you’re facing, this episode is meant to encourage you to lessen the expectations of a “normal” homeschool situation and embrace the season you’re in.

Welcome to the show notes for Episode #149 of the Homeschool with Moxie Podcast!
As a former classroom teacher, now homeschooling mom of five, I love to equip and encourage other homeschooling families.
On the Homeschool with Moxie Podcast our goal is to inspire and encourage you with actionable strategies to take you from overwhelmed to confident in your homeschool adventure. Listen to interviews with amazing influencers in the homeschool world and beyond.
Get Homeschool Support
The Homeschool Mom Collective brings you monthly homeschool support and an easy-to-follow success path to keep your homeschooling on track for each new season. Use the coupon code SAVE25 to save 25% when you purchase access to the Collective.
Listen to the Podcast
Aimee Smith, author of The Restful Homeschool Resolution, joined us in the Homeschool Mom Collective for the month of February to talk about the topic of self care. This podcast episode pulls just one of the tips Aimee mentioned when I asked her about homeschooling through major life changes and upheaval. Her answer was so helpful that I knew I needed to share it on the podcast!
Restful Homeschool Resources
You can find the full conversation I had with Aimee in the Collective.
Aimee writes and speaks about the topic of a restful homeschool. I know you’ll want to check out her resources. Since we were only able to scratch the surface of this topic, I know you’ll want to dive deeper. Aimee’s resources will help you learn how to homeschool through major life changes.
Find her podcast here: Rest in the Homeschool Trench
Aimee’s book is The Restful Homeschool Resolution