So many moms suffer from homeschool burnout at some point in the journey – but can we prevent it? Yes! There are signs to look for and also some steps you can take to make sure you’re not in an unhealthy place in your homeschooling. Veteran homeschool mom Heather Bowen joins us to chat about some practical solutions to prevent homeschool burnout.

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Welcome to the show notes for Episode #135 of the Homeschool with Moxie Podcast!
As a former classroom teacher, now homeschooling mom of five, I love to equip and encourage other homeschooling families.
On the Homeschool with Moxie Podcast our goal is to inspire and encourage you with actionable strategies to take you from overwhelmed to confident in your homeschool adventure. Listen to interviews with amazing influencers in the homeschool world and beyond.
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Listen to the Podcast
Today’s episode is just a short snippet from a longer conversation with had with Heather Bowen over in the Homeschool Mom Collective during the month of October. This month’s emphasis in our membership was on preparing for sick days and burnout in our homeschool. We worked on concrete plans to be ready for those crazy days or seasons, including family sickness, death of a loved one, or even welcoming a new baby. You can get the help you need in the Collective!
But Heather had so many great ideas to share, that we clipped out some practical solutions about preventing burnout specifically. Because preventing it in the first place is ideal, right? Listen is as Heather gives some great advice. Plus – Heather gave our members her Sick Day & Burnout Toolkit for FREE in the Collective!
You can find Heather Bowen at and she is also the owner of Top Picks Homeschool Curriculum Fair.
Prevent Homeschool Burnout
Heather has lots of resources and information related to homeschool burnout on her site!
This topic is so important – and the root causes are so common – that we have covered this on the podcast and blog here as well. Check out these links for more help.
- The Superwoman Myth
- 5 Strategies to Conquer Homeschool Overwhelm
- From Overwhelm to Calm: Embracing Planned Neglect
- Zero-Based Schedule
- Dear Homeschool Mom, You Don’t Have to Do It All
Prevent Homeschool Burnout in the Homeschool Mom Collective
We know it can be overwhelming to feel like you’re homeschooling alone! It’s also confusing and chaotic for many new homeschool moms. That’s why we created the Homeschool Mom Collective Membership – so that you can get support, ask questions, learn from experts, and get the step by step guidance you need to homeschool with more peace and confidence.
What’s your homeschool sanity worth? Join today!