Learn about using Write the Word on my Heart as a Bible Memory and Copy Work Curriculum. We’ll chat with author Katherine Pittman about how to consistently bring more of the Word into our homes and homeschools.

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Welcome to the show notes for Episode #125 of the Homeschool with Moxie Podcast!
As a former classroom teacher, now homeschooling mom of five, I love to equip and encourage other homeschooling families.
On the Homeschool with Moxie Podcast our goal is to inspire and encourage you with actionable strategies to take you from overwhelmed to confident in your homeschool adventure. Listen to interviews with amazing influencers in the homeschool world and beyond.
Little Fishes Bible Study for K-4
Little Fishes Bible Studies will give your younger kids a gentle introduction to the inductive Bible study method. They’ll learn how to observe, interpret, and apply the Word by studying one passage each week. Save 20% with the coupon code INDUCTIVE20
Listen to the Podcast
About Write the Word on My Heart
Write the Word on my Heart is a Bible Memory and Copy Work Curriculum written by Katherine Pittman. You can preorder it on Amazon to use in your homeschool this fall.
Write the Word on my Heart provides a fun, consistent way to memorize the Bible alongside your children. Using carefully selected verses meant to speak to a young heart, Katherine Pittman combines tried-and-true memory methods (repetition, recitation, re-writing, and recalling missing words) with simple copy work to help parents “write the word on the hearts” of their children. Each verse also includes a perforated coloring sheet and downloadable memory card and puzzle to help your children master 30 verses over 30 weeks.
Bible Memory Tips & Resources
Write the Word on my Heart not only includes copywork and memorization, but discussion questions too! So that means you can take things deeper with your children and get to the heart of the verses.
Download the first week of WTWOMH to try with your kids!
Katherine includes Bible memory helps on her site, including these great tips:
- use music
- incorporate movement
- memorize by removing words
- memorize by writing!
- plus more…
On this episode, we discuss how a typical week using her curriculum will look. Then, we chat about using a Memory Stack and the extra resources you can find on her site to aid in Bible memory.
Speaking of memorizing Scripture, you can take a peek inside our Bible memory box and how we use it.
You can preorder Write the Word on My Heart on Amazon, or purchase bulk quantities for your church or organization directly from Aneko Press at a discounted rate.
Here are additional Bible resources to check out:
Inside Peek into the curriculum
More Bible Curriculum + Resources
Listen to my conversation with author Sally Michael on episode 143 of the Homeschool with Moxie Podcast. You can also get a peek into her new books – More Than A Story: Exploring the Message of the Bible with Children. If you value gospel-centered resources for your children, then you’ll love these books.