If you’re looking for a hybrid independent and online Bible class for your homeschooled students in grades 7-12, then I can’t wait to share about our Online Gospel of John Inductive Bible Study Class.

Welcome to the show notes for Episode #121 of the Homeschool with Moxie Podcast!
As a former classroom teacher, now homeschooling mom of five, I love to equip and encourage other homeschooling families.
On the Homeschool with Moxie Podcast our goal is to inspire and encourage you with actionable strategies to take you from overwhelmed to confident in your homeschool adventure. Listen to interviews with amazing influencers in the homeschool world and beyond.
FREE Inductive Bible Study Samples
Even young children can learn the inductive Bible study method! While chronological learning of the key stories of Scripture, and the overarching story of Scripture is essential, our kids do need to learn the life skill of opening the Word and interpreting it rightly. That’s where the inductive method comes in as a valuable resource in the toolbox of Bible literacy!
Download FREE samples of all our studies for K-12 students.
See all our inductive Bible studies at 4onemore.teachable.com
Listen to the Podcast
Check out our Bible Studies
Little Fishes Bible Studies for grades K-4 – The Little Fishes James Bible Study provides a gentle approach to the inductive Bible study method.

Self Study Workbooks for grades 5-12 – Would you like to teach your teens how to study the Bible? Your middle school and high school kids will be ready to dive into the Self Study Workbook that walks them step-by-step through an inductive study of an entire book of the Bible, paragraph by paragraph.
Self Study Workbook + Video Lessons for grades 5-12 – Help your visual learners by adding in a video component to their independent study of an entire book of the Bible using the inductive method. You can use this for multiple students to learn together!
Here’s what others are saying:
I love that we get to talk about God’s Word together as a family, and I get to hear their thoughts.
I’m really happy with the way the James: An Inductive Bible Study is working in our homeschool this year. Abby is a great teacher, and this is a fun way for 5th – 12th graders to study the Bible! Plus, I know God is speaking to them through it.
Gena Mayo, homeschooling mom of 8 – Read Gena’s full review at I Choose Joy!
Learn More About the Inductive Method
The Inductive Bible Study Method is so named because of the way you interact with the text. In the inductive method, you are making obervations and then drawing conclusions from the passage, or finding the big idea.
Some of these observations might be:
- Key words
- Repeated ideas
- Compare/contrast
- Logic/argument
You’re starting from observation about the text (what does the text say?), then progressing to interpretation (what does the text mean?), and finally application (how should this change me?).
To learn more, check out What is Inductive Bible Study? + FREE Guide
The Inductive method is fabulous for your visual & kinesthetic learners because of the way you learn to mark the text in the Observation step. It really helps students to be able to see connections and big ideas.
Online Bible Class Overview
Are your teens ready to move deeper into studying the Bible?
Your students in grades 7-12 can move past just simply memorizing Bible stories and facts to learning how to study Scripture in context.
In this online group class through chapters 1-12 in the Gospel of John, your teens will learn how to use the inductive method to systematically observe, interpret, and apply the text.
Students receive a Self Study Workbook through John 1-12
- includes daily lessons through the text
- answer key provided
- projects + rubric for grading
- accountability for high school credit
- moving past a memorization of facts and learning how to actually study the Word in context using the inductive method
Weekly Video Lessons
- watch online lessons when it fits your schedule
- ask questions
Enjoy family pricing – multiple students from one household can participate for one price!
Give your teens the gift of Bible literacy! Learn more about this online Bible class and register today.