Are you struggling with the thought of decluttering & organizing your homeschool stuff this summer? Maybe you’re not even sure where to start. And how do you know if you should save curriculum and resources “just in case” you need it again? In this episode, I’ll share with you my #1 decluttering tip as I’ve moved more times than I’d like to count in our nearly 22 years of marriage.

Welcome to the show notes for Episode #119 of the Homeschool with Moxie Podcast!
As a former classroom teacher, now homeschooling mom of five, I love to equip and encourage other homeschooling families.
On the Homeschool with Moxie Podcast our goal is to inspire and encourage you with actionable strategies to take you from overwhelmed to confident in your homeschool adventure. Listen to interviews with amazing influencers in the homeschool world and beyond.
Get Homeschool Support When You Need It
You don’t have to homeschool alone! Get homeschool support and a small online community of moms in the trenches just like you. Hear from mentors and experts that will help you do the next right thing in your homeschool year to keep yourself on track. Join the Homeschool Mom Collective today and see why moms are loving it!

This month in the Collective we’re helping each other through the decluttering & organizing process! Next month we’ll focus on homemaking – especially meal planning & pantry stock-ups with expert Karen Morris joining us for a Q&A. Check out our episode with Karen, author of A Year Without the Grocery Store, in episode 106.
Listen to the Podcast
The Only Decluttering Tip You Need to Know
Really? It’s that simple?
Yes! It can be. You need a framework for filtering your stuff. Because if you “might need it” in the future, you’ll end up keeping everything. Not only extra homeschool curriculum, but all those small appliances you haven’t used this year, or the clothes that might fit you again. You get the picture.
In this episode, I’ll walk you through the one question you should ask about decluttering anything – including homeschool stuff! It has worked for me in 22 years of marriage and moving multiple times with many kids.
More Decluttering Resources
Here are additional resources to use in your decluttering adventure.
- HWM 110: Organizing Your Homeschool to Help Your Kids with ADHD with Jenn Carson
- HWM 111: Decluttering Tips for Homeschool Moms with Annette Breedlove
- Seasonal Energy (Productivity Challenge)
- Decluttering Made Simple Workshop
- Declutter One Hotspot
- 3 Quick Wins for Decluttering
- Declutter Cheatsheet for Teens