We all could use decluttering tips, inspiration, and pep talks several times each year! But especially now as we’re winding down the homeschool year, this summer season is a great time to actual put these tips into practice. If we all take the time to declutter our homes, then when we start up homeschooling again, we’re likely to see less stress and more productivity! Listen in on this chat with Annette Breedlove from InAllYouDo.net as she spills the beans on what it was like to drastically downsize her living space.

Welcome to the show notes for Episode #111 of the Homeschool with Moxie podcast!
As a former classroom teacher, now homeschooling mom of five, I love to equip and encourage other homeschooling families.
Stick around to learn how to homeschool with moxie. It’s about embracing your journey and finding your groove.
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Listen to the Podcast
Decluttering Tips
Clutter leads to stress, loss of time, and decreased productivity for you and your kids! As you consider how you can declutter your space, check out these tips from Annette. In this episode, we chat about:
- How does our clutter affect homeschooling?
- Can you walk us through the steps to declutter a space?
- How do you know where to start?
- How long each day should we work on this – what’s reasonable?
- Are there some “decluttering rules” that you adhere to?
- What are toy free zones? Can you explain how this works & why it helps?
- What’s a “30 day rotation” – can you explain that? How does it work?
- What’s the 30 Day Declutter Challenge?
Additional Decluttering Resources
30 Day Declutter Printable + 30 Day Declutter Challenge
5 Real Life Tips to Control Kid Clutter