Are you homeschooling children with ADHD? This episode with expert Jenn Carson from will give you practical solutions for organizing your homeschool to help your kids be successful! You can do it, and you’re not alone.

Welcome to the show notes for Episode #110 of the Homeschool with Moxie podcast!
As a former classroom teacher, now homeschooling mom of five, I love to equip and encourage other homeschooling families.
Stick around to learn how to homeschool with moxie. It’s about embracing your journey and finding your groove.
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Listen to the Podcast
Learning More About ADHD
Our conversation starts out by discussing the main characteristics of kids and teens with ADHD. Even if your child doesn’t have an official diagnosis, you may be able to see some of these ADHD markers.
- How does ADHD show up? What will you see in your kids?
- Does ADHD show up different at different ages? From preschool to elementary to high school – how will it look?
Organizing Your Homeschool to Help Your Kids with ADHD
Jenn shares practical solutions that you can use in your homeschool organization.
- What is the importance of organization for kids with ADHD?
- Workbins & visual task cards
- Assignment Notebooks
- Reward Strategy
Resources for Organizing Your Homeschool to Help Your Kids with ADHD
These resources from Jenn’s site will help you with organizing your homeschool to help your kids with ADHD. But these ideas will help kids that don’t have ADHD as well! They’re great tools for most young children.
- Strategies for ADHD
- Printable Daily Homeschool Visual Schedule + Cards FREEBIE
- This post will show you how Jenn’s family creates their assignment notebooks << you can also grab FREE planning templates or purchase the complete Homeschool Planning Packet