An open letter to moms everywhere about homeschool burnout.
Dear Homeschool Mom, You Don’t Have to do it all.
The pressure to do it all – to be the “perfect” homeschool family with well-rounded kids in 7 different activities each – can leave a nagging feeling looming over your days. But I’m here to remind you that you don’t have to do it all. In fact, you probably shouldn’t.

The fact is that at one time or another, we all battle the lie that we need to project perfection. Maybe the pressure is coming from friends or family. Or maybe you’re putting the pressure on yourself.
Contentment instead of busyness
You see, we are created as finite beings, and when we feel overwhelmed because we’re doing too much, it’s a good reminder that we can’t do it all.
When Paul writes, “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me,” we may want to make a homeschool mom T-shirt from that verse as we lug the kids to yet another activity.
But, maybe we should take the time to consider the context of that verse – we can be content in any situation, any season, through Him who gives us the strength to be content.
That means if financially, emotionally, schedule-wise, and sanity-wise you can’t commit to being out every night of the week for activities with the kids, then that’s okay. God will give you the strength to be content.
No more FOMO
But we need to guard ourselves from the FOMO trap – you know, the fear of missing out.
But what if my kids miss out on that activity?
What if I don’t look like an amazing mom because I’m dialing back the schedule?
What if my five year old doesn’t participate in every sport this year? Will I ruin their potential?
FOMO is a real trap for every mom, but especially for homeschool moms. You have to identify your triggers and be aware.
Does scrolling through social media bring on the FOMO? Then take a break from it, especially during hormonal times of the month when emotions rage.
Maybe you need a more positive group of friends in real life? Spend time with people who won’t guilt you into fitting their ideal.
Deal with the schedule to get rid of homeschool burnout
Finally, take a practical step to dial back the schedule. Spend some time this summer creating a zero-based schedule.
This is modeled after the zero-based budget in which everything is taken off the budget and each spending category has to earn it’s way back in. You start with essentials – mortgage, food, electricity – and then only add in the “extras” of you can afford it.
Do this with your schedule! Get a blank calendar and make every activity and time commitment earn its way back on.
Which things are essential to fit your family priorities in this season? Put them on the calendar.
Do you still have time, energy, or money to add in more commitments? Then add them in.
But as soon as your limit has been reached, don’t feel guilty for saying no. This planned neglect is all about healthy boundaries.
Sound good? Because there is a lie that we tell ourselves: I have to “do it all” – whatever that means! And then we heap guilt on ourselves when we fall short of that expectation.
Dear homeschool mom, tell yourself the truth – you don’t have to do it all.
If you made it to the end of this school year, but you might be ready to throw in the towel – don’t!
Head on over to watch this FREE short workshop about the 10 Truths to Crush Homeschool Burnout. You’ll be glad you did.
Ways to Crush Homeschool Burnout
Listen to episode #2 of the Homeschool with Moxie Podcast where we talk about ways to curb homeschool burnout and more specifically the six ways you’re probably trying too hard.
Here’s some tough love. Some of you are trying to do all the things, because you think they’re necessary to fit into the “successful homeschool mom” category. But you’re probably driving yourself (and the kids) crazy and not enjoying the learning process at all. This episode talks about the elephants in the homeschool room – all the things you think you have to do – but you can stop doing! Stop trying so hard.
I don’t lesson plan (and you shouldn’t either)
I don’t use printables (and you shouldn’t either)
From Overwhelm to Calm: Embracing Planned Neglect
7 Steps to Take in a Season of Homeschool Burnout
Homeschool Styles, Philosophies & Curriculum FREE download in my Resource Library
This episode is brought to you by my FREE online course: Homeschooling 101: Basics for Parents Before You Start
This short course gives you a birds-eye view of homeschooling before you jump in and helps to answer the burning questions on every parent’s mind before they homeschool.
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