God’s rescue plan that unfolded that special night over 2,000 years ago (for it was really begun before the foundation of the world) is what we celebrate at Christmas. God’s Son came in flesh to bring forgiveness, restoration, redemption and adoption.
To be right with God the judge is a great thing, but to be loved and cared for by God the Father is a greater.
J.I. Packer, Knowing God
You see, our little one was literally rescued last Christmas. She has been in an orphanage for a whole year waiting for her adoption into our family — her forever family. We have sacrificed to get her. We have done this gladly.
Until gotcha day!The day when she leaves the orphanage, never to return. The day we sweep her up in our arms and bring her home to enjoy all the love of her forever family.Christ’s birth over two millennia ago was wonderful, significant, and necessary. He lived the perfect life I could never live. He took God’s just wrath over my sin on the cross. He bore that wrath and separation from God so that I don’t have to!
Now by faith, I look with anticipation to Christmas Future — that “gotcha day” when the reality of my spiritual adoption and position as a daughter of the King will be fully known and enjoyed.